Ms. Emily Oncale
Director of Religious Education
Religion Textbooks
Visitation of Our Lady uses a textbook series approved by the Archdiocese of New Orleans. These
books have been reviewed for Catholic orthodoxy, conformity with
the Catechism of the Catholic Church, their ecclesial context, the
faith development, content, readability, methods, and
socio-cultural issues.
The Sophia Institute series is used throughout the school in
K - 7th grade.
Mass Attendance
Visitation of Our Lady students in PK4 - 7th grade attend
mass each week and Holy Days of Obligation.
Students in 3rd - 7th grade
attend Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament each month. This enables
our students to lift their minds and hearts toward God as an
expression of adoration.
Because Christ himself is present in the
sacrament of the altar, he is honored with the worship of
adoration. "To visit the Blessed Sacrament is. .
. a proof of gratitude, an expression of love, and a duty of
adoration toward Christ our Lord" (#1418 CCC).
The Sacraments
Confirmation has been moved
to 11th grade. Students will be required to return to their
home parish to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. This is a
change that was made by the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
First Holy Communion / First Penance
Students in 2nd grade
receive the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation. Students
are prepared in class each day for the sacraments. There is a
parent seminar that is mandatory for parents to attend as part of
the child's preparation for the
Parents are the primary
educators of their children in the faith and are expected to attend
mass each week with their child/ren. Children will follow the good
example set by their parents. Our mission here is to educate your
child on matters of faith and morals and to continue building on
the foundation that begins in the home.
Children will celebrate First Reconciliation prior to the celebration of the sacrament of
Eucharist. First Holy Communion is celebrated in the month of May
on the Saturday morning before Mother's
Catholic Schools Week
Each year Visitation celebrates Catholic
Schools Week in a very special way. The older students are "Buddies" to
the younger ones. Fun activities are planned for each grade level.
The season of Advent is one
of preparing for the coming of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Students throughout the entire school prepare for this very special
event in many ways.
Each classroom takes part in the Jesse Tree
tradition. Student Council members do the readings for this
meaningful tradition each day after Morning Prayer over the
intercom. The symbol for the days' reading is
placed on our Jesse Tree located in the front office.
Students bring in food for the poor and toys
for the less fortunate as part of the preparation for the season of
The season of Lent is one of preparing for the death of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is
a time to do penance and make sacrifices. Lent is a time for journeying. The Way of the Cross symbolizes
life's journeys.
Students in 3rd - 7th grade attend
Stations of the Cross each week. This enables them to experience
Lent in a special way.
Many events take place during Holy Week and
students and their families are encouraged to attend.
Living Rosary
In October, a month in which we honor Mary, the
entire school takes part in the living rosary. Students from each
grade level are chosen to help lead the rosary.
Each student is given a rosary to keep and use
to recite the rosary on that day. Parents and friends are invited
to attend this beautiful event.
Altar Servers
Students in 5th - 7th grade are invited to
become altar servers for our parish. We have many boys and girls who do an
outstanding job of serving at all parish and school celebrations.
Special Sacrament Program
The Special Sacrament program is designed for
students who are in need of the sacrament of First Holy Communion
and First Penance (Reconciliation). This program is open to
students in 3rd grade and up. If a child has missed the
sacrament of Eucharist, this program enables the child to be
prepared for the reception of the Sacraments that he/she
Please contact the Director of Religious
Education to enroll your child at 504-341-8477 or for more
RCIA (adapted for Children)
The Rite of Christian Initiation (adapted for
Children) is a program for children who are seven years or older
and have not yet been baptized. This process may take more than one
year to complete.
Please contact the Director of Religious
Education for more information at 504-341-8477.